This report is a summary of the presentations and panel discussions from the March 4, 1998 Conference entitled "Rehabilitating and Conserving Detroit River Habitats" at the University of Windsor. This Conference was organized by the University of Windsor's Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research and the Citizens Environment Alliance of Southwestern Ontario. Other funding partners and co-sponsors in this event included: Canadian Auto Workers Local 444, The Canadian Salt Company Limited, The City of Windsor, Dean Construction Company, Detroit Edison, Environment Canada, the International Joint Commission's Council of Great Lakes Research Managers, the International Joint Commission's Great Lakes Water Quality Board, La Fontaine, Cowie Burratto and Associates Consulting Engineers, Michigan Sea Grant, Michigan State University, Windsor and District Labour Council, and the Windsor Harbour Commission (Appendix 3). We thank these funding partners and co-sponsors for their support of this Conference.

The primary objective of the Conference was to share habitat rehabilitation and conservation success stories. Nine success stories about Detroit River fish and wildlife habitat rehabilitation and conservation efforts were highlighted by presenters. Two panel discussions provided an opportunity to further discuss on-going projects and conservation efforts, and for participants to ask questions and provide comments. We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the speakers, panelists, and moderators.

The Conference was well attended by local citizens, students, citizen groups, government agencies, researchers, and industry representatives from both Canada and the United States. We would like to acknowledge these stakeholders for their significant role in making this event a success. Their insights and knowledge were instrumental in developing the findings and conclusions from this conference. We feel that the level of stakeholder participation in this conference is a clear indication of the enthusiastic interest and strong commitment to future conservation and rehabilitation of Detroit River habitats. A special thanks is extended to Jeanie Laforge of the Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research for her efforts in organizing this Conference.

Photo Credit: Cover photos by Visual Image Productions, Windsor, Ontario

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